Sunday, March 11, 2012

Viewer Discretion is Advised

The day: Sunday, March 11, 2012.
The time: 9:40 PM
The weather: (slightly) chilly, cloudy, windy
The feeling: TOTALLY freaked out.

Because today is the day, THE day, that I let it all be known. Seriously, I'm gonna let it all be out there for everyone to see. But first, I must tell you about my weekend, and the things I did. First of all, Saturday, I went to the gym. And I purchased a membership for a whole 14 months. Yes, I probably spent more than I was wanting to, but I am going to let that be my motivation. The fact that I paid to have this will keep me wanting to go.
How did it feel to be in the gym? Honestly, I thought I would feel like the outcast and people would be secretly whispering to there workout buddies "Hey, what's that fat ass trying to do here?" It turned out to be a lot more not-so-in-shape-people than I expected. Therefore, I felt a lot more comfortable. I worked about for about an hour and a half, more or less. I started off on a bike, just your typical cycling. I did about 35 minutes, so it was pretty low-intensity. After that I did weights. I did (and these are all names written on the machines with instructions, which I felt pretty good about, considering I know what very few things do) pectoral flies, ab crunches, rotary torso, arm curls, converging chest presses, regular chest presses ( I don't really know the difference but the machines were different), and I worked my glutes.

And I am going back tomorrow to meet with a personal trainer, as your first session is included in the membership. Nervous? To say the least. But excited also. I know it's for the best. I want to rock my wedding dress.

As far as food goes, I haven't changed my in the last couple days. Yesterday, I did relatively well. I had a bow of cereal for breakfast. A chicken sandwich for lunch (on Deli Thin bread, super delicious). And Chef's Market for dinner, which, okay, isn't the BEST to be eating but I didn't over indulge and I felt just full enough when I was done. And I didn't eat anything after that, which is one of my problem areas--late night cravings. Today, I had cereal for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and pizza (again, not the greatest dinner. Baby steps.) for dinner--but I did have a little bit of candy after, so not my best hour. However, I am drinking lots of water and I have given up soda. So we'll see how this thing goes.

And now, the moment I have been dreading. Measurements as of today--
Bust: 41.5
Waist: 37
Hips: 46.5
Thighs: 24
Arms: 13
And finally
Weight: 196

Yeah. I know.

 So, here's to losing weight, getting toned and firmed up, and making better choices in life :)


1 comment:

  1. I'm right there with you. If I was able, I'd go the gym, too. If you want a "weight loss buddy", we can do it together. I have about 40 pounds to get where I would like to be. My workouts are restricted to home or Zumba at church, for the most part. Anyway, you can do it! We can do it!
